So you have a home and you want the best in window furnishings but are on a tight budget?
Or you just like saving a lot of money?
DIY Shutters make it possible to have what you want and add thousands to the value of your home at the same time.
Buy DIY Plantation shutter kits from DIYShutters and you will be very proud of what you have achieved.
Wayne ordered three sets of bifold plantation shutters as pre-painted kits from DIYShutters. These cost him less than two thirds the cost of fully installed shutters. He then assembled and fitted them himself. Well done Wayne!
The bifold after opening – customer’s photos -
Bifold Plantation Shutters assembled and installed by Wayne using DIYShutters pre-painted kits
[su_pullquote]“We have completed the paint and install of the bifold shutter kits we purchased. Very easy to put together, paint and install. I have attached some photos for you. We are very happy with the product and the service we received from you. Thanks once again. Regards Wayne” [/su_pullquote]
Basically it is a 4 step process:
[su_expand more_text=”Paint the ends of the louvres” less_text=”where it was cut and anywhere else such as the routed groove on the stile. This takes up almost half the total time for assembly and almost anyone can do it – not hard. more_icon=””]This text block can be expanded[/su_expand]
[su_expand more_text=”Prepare the parts” height=”140″ more_icon=”icon: pencil”]Insert the pins into the stile on the non-routed side, and a pin into the control side of the louvre. Glue the Dowels into the Rails[/su_expand]
[su_expand more_text=”Assemble parts” height=”140″ more_icon=”icon: pencil”]Push the stiles onto the rails leaving small gap, checking the orientation is correct and glue has been added into stile holes. Slide the louvre into place.[/su_expand]
[su_expand more_text=”Finish Assembly – add control Rod” height=”140″ more_icon=”icon: pencil”]Clamp the stiles together, check the diagonal squareness, and attach the control rod. Finally, insert the four extra strength screws through the stile into the Rail. You’re done. Allow the glue to dry for 2 days and they can be installed.[/su_expand]
Budget priced from $179 per square metre for un-painted shutter kits to $259 psm for pre-painted shutter kits LESS discount . Real wood not PVC.